You can open a Roth IRA for your child to evolve their financial knowledge while helping invest for retirement, a first house and/or qualified educational expenses.
Read MoreWhile cash or gift cards are always appreciated, consider something with lasting value that can help launch college and high school graduates towards financial independence.
Read MoreRetirees view risks differently, but the greatest risk is behavioral. Let’s discuss a sustainable and tax-efficient approach to retirement distribution strategies.
Read MoreThe Magnificent Seven have gained 71% this year while the other 493 stocks in the S&P 500 have gained just 6%.
Read MoreSeven companies (combining Alphabet’s share classes) represented over 55% weighting of the NASDAQ 100 index and were educed to 38% with smaller companies within the index being purchased.
Read MoreLast month, Intel added another chapter to the fallacy of “I don’t care about the stock price, as long as I get my dividend”. Here, I discuss key factors and best practices for dividend investing.