Ease and flexibility

PlanDynamic is built for people who need ease and flexibility in their financial lives. People with demands on their time and depended upon by others, like business owners, the investor within a household and parents raising kids while caring for aging parents, aka Sandwichers.

Living a lifetime in extreme frugality is NOT financial independence.

Where is the independence if you can’t financially grow a family, pay for education, care for an aging parent, treat new health issues, insure for the unexpected, start a non-profit, generate new income streams or expand a business?

This is how many pursuing financial independence fail to plan. Or worse, ignored by those believing in achievement.

’Evolve Your Financial Independence’ is about adaptability, taking measured risks and enjoying a big picture view. We believe this allows you to sustain and share independence as changes, pursuits and relationships evolve.
— Glenn Brown, CFP®, CRPC®, Owner of PlanDynamic, Investor & Sandwicher