PlanDynamic Portfolios
Old-School Wealth Management
Not everyone wants virtual meetings, interactive technology or to revisit financial aspects of their lives already accomplished.
For those near or living in retirement, this offer focuses on sustaining financial independence.
PlanDynamic Portfolios
0.95% first $1,000,000
0.75% next $1,000,000
See complete Table of Fees for Services.
Your personal CFP® relationship with Glenn Brown will work on all aspects of living in retirement.
Investment Management
Goals-based investment portfolios
Disciplined process & allocation tilts
Active monitoring & rebalancing
Low operating expenses and costs
Clarity on what you own & why
Tax-loss harvesting
A strategy to grow dividend income
A strategy for capital preservation
Choose monthly or quarterly distributions
Required minimum distributions calculated
Secure performance & tax reporting
Accounts at Schwab Advisor Services™
Financial Assessments
Annual portfolio reviews
Risk tolerance analysis
Income & cash flow planning
Tax-efficient distribution strategies
Social Security optimization
Employer benefits review
Insurance review & gap analysis
Medicaid eligibility
Estate planning & titling analysis
You Will
Enjoy a personal CFP® relationship
Gain clarity, education and confidence
Focus on your “why” to stay the course
Evolve your financial independence