Dynamic Starter Plan
Need help on something?
For those who are not ready for an ongoing relationship, focus on a goal and we will help you assess and deliver the actions needed.
Dynamic Starter Plan
Negotiable flat-fee based on $250 hour.
Know your all-in-costs before you start.
See complete Table of Fees for Services.
Work with Glenn Brown, CFP®, CRPC® to build a strong financial foundation and/or gain confirmation of actions.
Financial Assessments
Strategies for budget, cash flow & debt
Income & cash flow planning
Portfolio review & risk analysis
Risk tolerance analysis
Fee analysis of investments & advisors
Tax-efficient distribution strategies
Roth Conversion analysis
College savings & aid strategies
Optimize employer benefits
Health care coverage & savings
Tax planning & reduction strategies
Social Security optimization
Insurance review & gap analysis
Medicaid eligibility
Estate planning & titling analysis
You Will
Gain clarity, education and confidence
Define your questions, engagement level and know total cost.
Engage in 3 one-hour+ meetings - Getting Organized, Need Analysis (written recommendations), follow-up Q&A of Need Analysis in 45 days
Schedule meetings at your pace to gain education and execute on your specific topics in Needs Analysis for additional 45 - 75 days
Have two 30-minute meeting available following 12 months to help execute or be proactive to change
Evolve your financial independence